Tucker Silva Team - Engel & Volkers

    • Address:
    • 631 E Main St Unit
    • Blue Ridge
    • Ga
    • 30513
    • United States

Your Friends in Real Estate

If you are looking for a REALTOR® that will help you buy or sell property as if it were their own, then Steve and Vitor are “Your Friends in Real Estate”. Whether you are a Buyer or a Seller, if you want a REALTOR® that knows the local area and is going to look out for your interests, then it would be our absolute pleasure to assist you.  If you want access to the MLS that we use every day, our “Advanced Search” tool has criteria specific to the mountain region and is designed to be BETTER than Zillow, Trulia, Realtor and Homes or any other site on the Internet! Perhaps you want a majestic long range Mountain View, or maybe a creek or river front home – or even better – a home on beautiful Lake Blue Ridge! If you love to hike then property adjacent to US Forest Service land might be more your style.